Eberhardt Family Site

The Waker

by Michael Houser

My name is the Waker
And I'm bringin' you the morning sun
I've pushed the old man up forever
Still I feel I've just begun
I've just begun
My name is treetop
And I'm higher than you'll ever be
I'm married to my roots here
Still I feel like I am free
Feelin' I'm free
My name is blue sky
And I'm bluer than all of you
I've watched you run around forever
Always searching for something new
There's nothing new
Feelin' I'm free
I've just begun
I'm always young
Love's always new

Welcome to our family’s webpage! This must be the place!

We’re excited to share our goings on with friends and family near and far. Here you can find important happenings and events on our family calendar, watch current and past videos of the family, check out our family photo album, share photos with us, and contact us via email.

Christmas Wish List

Below is a wishlist for Christmas. We will mark them off if they are purchased or claimed. Communication is awesome! Please share any wishlists with us, otherwise….burrito blankets for everyone!


  1. Rain Boots - low tops

  2. UGA Gear - hoodie, hat, shorts

  3. Bright Water Waldorf Gear (size youth large or adult xs): https://www.brightwaterwaldorf.org/bwws-merchandise

  4. MP3 player -

  5. Headphones & long cord

  6. Mandacello - 5 string, solid body, electric plug in, no double strings, talk with Dupree for more info.

  7. Work Gloves - leather


  1. Bright Water Waldorf Gear (size youth small): https://www.brightwaterwaldorf.org/bwws-merchandise

  2. Garden Gloves

  3. Matchbox Cars

  4. A-Frame lego cabin

  5. Lego Boat

  6. Swatch Watch: https://www.flikflak.com/en-us/living-history-fbnp229/FBNP229.html

  7. PF Flyers - size

Both Boys:

  1. Sheets and Comforter Sets (twin and double)

  2. Fresh Garden Tools

  3. Memberships: Pacific Science Center, Seattle Children’s Museum

  4. Cool camp for spring break

Whole Family:

  1. Plane tickets to New Orleans

  2. Professional House Cleaning - see us for link to a preferred service

  3. New Fire Stick

  4. Wii Controllers

  5. Ski Day - snoqualmie or crystal mountain. gift cards OK

  6. Night at a place on the beach - see us for info

Both Adults:

  1. Babysitting money and concert tickets - gift cards OK

  2. Handyman for a day - gift cards OK


  1. Impact wrench

  2. Adaptor for battery operated tools - see Brent for what this means


  1. Ulta gift card for services- facial, lashes

  2. UGA t-shirt

  3. UGA jammies

Feelin’ I’m Free!